The church is a community where people know, love, and care for each other. And our church is integrated into the broader community having been here since 1880.
That means we believe God's forgiveness is available to anyone who will turn from sin to Him and accept Jesus' sacrifice on the cross personally. We don't say you have to do certain things or give certain amounts in order to win God's approval or ours.
Worship and work are not left to a select few leaders, but are in the hands of those who are willing to be used by the Lord. We are happy to hear from volunteers, and interested in new ideas of how to reach out to our church family and our community with Christ's love.
We believe that the experience of knowing God and walking with Him produces a definite and powerful effect on our lives. We love to sing and praise the Lord, and we believe that is good for us!
We accept the Bible as God's message to us. We don't believe that we need to add any particular traditions or spin on the Bible to find the truth.
One of the touchstones of our church is caring and sharing with one another. We have frequent times to get to know one another and we're there to help one another when problems arise.
We are not part of any denomination or religious association of churches. The membership, under the guidance of the Bible and the Holy Spirit of God, decide what we are and what we believe.